WE are Richmond
Thanks for visiting the newly created Richmond Town Crier, a crowd sourced service of the people, by the people, and for the people of Richmond, CA to build a more connected community. There is no official organization, group, or institution behind the scenes; we are simply residents of Richmond who care about being informed about upcoming opportunities to connect, learn, collaborate, inspire, and be inspired. This site does not presume to be anything more or less than an accurate listing of all relevant upcoming public events, with the following considerations:
- As an open-source platform, anyone can post an event; consider the accuracy accordingly…
- This is intended for events within the city limits of Richmond, CA or otherwise directly relevant to all citizens of Richmond (e.g., school board, regional policymaking, etc.)
- The success of this site is dependent on its credibility as THE single source of all public listing. Many other sites have relevant listings, but no other site has them all in one place. For this to work, everyone who posts on other sites should also post here.
This site was born out of a realization that we can be much better informed and connected if we work together to spread the word. It seems that we each have our own ways to learn about upcoming events (e.g., social media groups, specific websites, word of mouth, etc.), but we often miss out on things we didn’t know about in time! Let’s give the Richmond Town Crier a try, and perhaps we can soon find ourselves better informed and better connected.
Yeah, but (FAQ’s)…
Q: We already have lots of ways to spread the word. Isn’t this redundant? Why another site???
A: Yes, we certainly do, but no other channel of information is accessible for all to publish and for all to view.
Q: How can we ensure that the listings are accurate?
A: Most postings on this site originate elsewhere. See the event listing for a link to the original source.
Q: But I hear about things all the time on Facebook or Nextdoor. Why can’t everyone just join my group?
A: Good luck with that… Keep in mind that not everyone is on Facebook to begin with–and Nextdoor is limited to immediate neighborhoods in many cases…
Q: What about those who don’t like (or don’t have access to) the internet?
A: If you would like to help spread the word in analogue form, perhaps you could print it out (list view) and post on your local bulletin boards (e.g., work, school, community)
Q: What about those who prefer a language other than English?
A: In the future, built-in translation support may be a possibility. For now, try Google Translate (e.g., in Spanish)
Q: Who administers this site, and why should we trust them?
A: The Richmond Town Crier was spontaneously developed by Shawn Dunning, a Richmond resident who cares about building community in Richmond through involvement and participation in public events and processes. Anyone who would like to connect with Shawn and/or volunteer to help administer this website is welcomed to do so! Please use the contact form, below.
Future Possibilities
Perhaps, in the future, this site may become a more comprehensive source of information (beyond events) and interaction. For example, more localized listings and/or broader announcements could be useful. Some users may also desire room for discussion (comment threads, etc.). If you have questions, concerns, or other suggestions for what this site ought to include, please submit here: